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Foto del escritorluisa fonseca

Not is a pay gap, is discrimination!

In Colombia, women have a big pay gap in the society, and this can be seen in the numbers, because she "they work daily 2 hours and 10 minutes more than men and in addition they are in charge of care work in their homes, they earn 27% less than men on a monthly basis.” This is a normal situacion this country due to many companies considering women to have less skills than men.

Nowadays many women decide to study a career and have a professional life “between 2001 and 2017 56.1% of the people who completed their studies were women.", but the reality is that in a professional sector the women have less opportunities than man, not only because women are sometimes discriminated against as single mothers, but also because they consider that a woman is not suitable to hold a managerial position and for this reason is not taken into account when looking for a brand manager. Also it is evident that if a woman takes a job, she will receive less pay than a man, this represent the pay gap that cotinue have in Colombia, because if a women decide to take a pregnant license when she take back to work her pay less that she was receive, but if a man take a week to stay home with her wife and take care after a pregnant him pay were don't affect, that things represent a common segregation and discrimination that can see in enterprises; in spite of this many laws have sought to change that things, but the fact is the companies dont want to take thins norms because represent a big “impact in economy”, but if we see in real proffesional environment if the pay were the same to both genres, besides women would not think of leaving the job after pregnancy and would not see constant reports of unjustified dismissals, since there are daily cases of women dismissed for prolonged disability, illness, pregnancy, and even some employers do not take into account the situation of some women as heads of household; These are some of the cases that come to light but we must accept that many of the other reasons for dismissal are work pressure, sexual abuse or incinuations by colleagues and these are reasons why many companies decide to dismiss women or simply negotiate their salaries and despite this they continue to earn much less than a man.

in conclusion the women recieve less pay than man, because the social thinking about a women work continues to be patriarchal, in colombia have a big numbers of single mothers and this affect the hiring process because need jobs with part time or reduce working hours which affects pay and finally the companies continue thinking that women not have the same skills than man and she can’t take same jobs that a man. Taking to account this, government need to promote with new laws and norms the equality and equity in the jobs and this can help in pay gap and also the education need to show to child that all people have same skills and probably this help to perception of women in the future.


Oquendo, C. (2020, 11 noviembre). Las mujeres en Colombia ganan un 27% menos que los hombres. EL PAÍS.

Prevención integral. (2020, 13 marzo). Brecha salarial Colombia: mujeres ganan 12% menos que los hombres por. Prevención Integral & ORP Conference.

Casa Editorial El Tiempo. (2014, 12 agosto). Top cinco de despidos laborales injustos en el país. El Tiempo.

ONU Mujeres. (s. f.). Causas de la brecha salarial. ONU Mujeres | América Latina y el Caribe. Recuperado 25 de abril de 2021, de

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